Amherst College / New Science Center
Amherst College / New Science Center


Amherst College / New Science Center
Amherst College / New Science Center


Amherst College / New Science Center
Amherst College / New Science Center


Amherst College / New Science Center
Amherst College / New Science Center


Amherst College / New Science Center
Amherst College / New Science Center


Amherst College / New Science Center
Amherst College / New Science Center


Amherst College / New Science Center
Amherst College / New Science Center


Emory University / Campus Life Center
Emory University / Campus Life Center

Duda Paine Architects

Emory University / Campus Life Center
Emory University / Campus Life Center

Duda Paine Architects

Emory University / Campus Life Center
Emory University / Campus Life Center

Duda Paine Architects

Emory University / Campus Life Center
Emory University / Campus Life Center

Duda Paine Architects

Emory University / Campus Life Center
Emory University / Campus Life Center

Duda Paine Architects

Emory University / Campus Life Center
Emory University / Campus Life Center

Duda Paine Architects

Emory University / Campus Life Center
Emory University / Campus Life Center

Duda Paine Architects

Emory University / Campus Life Center
Emory University / Campus Life Center

Duda Paine Architects

Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building
Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building


Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building
Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building


Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building
Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building


Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building
Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building


Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building
Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building


Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building
Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building


Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building
Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building


Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building
Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building


University of Notre Dame
University of Notre Dame

The S/L/A/M Collaborative

University at Albany / State University of New York
University at Albany / State University of New York

William Rawn Associates

Rutgers University / School of Engineering
Rutgers University / School of Engineering

The S/L/A/M Collaborative

Rutgers University / School of Engineering
Rutgers University / School of Engineering

The S/L/A/M Collaborative

George Washington University / Milken Institute School of Public Health
George Washington University / Milken Institute School of Public Health

Payette / Ayers Saint Gross

George Washington University / Milken Institute School of Public Health
George Washington University / Milken Institute School of Public Health

Payette / Ayers Saint Gross

George Washington University / Milken Institute School of Public Health
George Washington University / Milken Institute School of Public Health

Payette / Ayers Saint Gross

Lynn University / Snyder Sanctuary
Lynn University / Snyder Sanctuary

Newman Achitects

Lynn University / Snyder Sanctuary
Lynn University / Snyder Sanctuary

Newman Architects

Lynn University / Snyder Sanctuary
Lynn University / Snyder Sanctuary

Newman Architects

Lynn University / Snyder Sanctuary
Lynn University / Snyder Sanctuary

Newman Architets

University of Connecticut / Gant Science Complex
University of Connecticut / Gant Science Complex

Goody Clancy

University of Connecticut / Gant Science Complex
University of Connecticut / Gant Science Complex

Goody Clancy

North Carolina State University / Talley Student Union
North Carolina State University / Talley Student Union

Duda Paine Architects

University of Massachusetts Boston / Integrated Sciences Complex
University of Massachusetts Boston / Integrated Sciences Complex

Goody Clancy

University of Massachusetts Boston / Integrated Sciences Complex
University of Massachusetts Boston / Integrated Sciences Complex

Goody Clancy

Harvard Business School / Tata Hall
Harvard Business School / Tata Hall

William Rawn Associates

Harvard Business School / Tata Hall
Harvard Business School / Tata Hall

William Rawn Associates

University of Massachusetts Amherst / Commonwealth Honors College
University of Massachusetts Amherst / Commonwealth Honors College

William Rawn Associates

Georgia Tech / North Avenue Apartments Dining Commons
Georgia Tech / North Avenue Apartments Dining Commons


Morgan State Univerity / Soper Library
Morgan State Univerity / Soper Library

Sasaki Associates

Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Atlas Service Center
Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Atlas Service Center


Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Atlas Service Center
Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Atlas Service Center


Fairfield University / Jesuit Community Center
Fairfield University / Jesuit Community Center

Gray Organschi Architecture

Fairfield University / Jesuit Community Center
Fairfield University / Jesuit Community Center

Gray Organschi Architecture

Sacred Heart University / Chapel of the Sacred Heart
Sacred Heart University / Chapel of the Sacred Heart

Sasaki Associates

Lesley University / Lunder Arts Center
Lesley University / Lunder Arts Center

Bruner Cott & Associates

Lesley University / Lunder Arts Center
Lesley University / Lunder Arts Center

Bruner Cott & Associates

Lesley University / Lunder Arts Center
Lesley University / Lunder Arts Center

Bruner Cott & Associates

University of Colorado Boulder / Visual Arts Complex
University of Colorado Boulder / Visual Arts Complex

KMW Architecture

University of Colorado Boulder / Visual Arts Complex
University of Colorado Boulder / Visual Arts Complex

KMW Architects

University of Colorado Boulder / Visual Arts Complex
University of Colorado Boulder / Visual Arts Complex

KMW Architecture

Eastern Connecticut State University / Fine Arts Instructional Center
Eastern Connecticut State University / Fine Arts Instructional Center

William Rawn Associates / The S/L/A/M Collaborative

Eastern Connecticut State University / Fine Arts Instructional Center
Eastern Connecticut State University / Fine Arts Instructional Center

William Rawn Associates / The S/L/A/M Collaborative

Eastern Connecticut State University / Fine Arts Instructional Center
Eastern Connecticut State University / Fine Arts Instructional Center

William Rawn Associates / The S/L/A/M Collaborative

University of Wisconsin / Madison School of Human Ecology
University of Wisconsin / Madison School of Human Ecology

Sasaki Associates / Dorschner Associates

Boston College / McMullen Museum
Boston College / McMullen Museum

DiMella Shaffer

Yale University, Branford College, and Saybrook College / Serveries & Kitchen
Yale University, Branford College, and Saybrook College / Serveries & Kitchen

Newman Architects

Yale University, Branford College, and Saybrook College / Serveries & Kitchen
Yale University, Branford College, and Saybrook College / Serveries & Kitchen

Newman Architects

Yale University, Branford College, and Saybrook College / Serveries & Kitchen
Yale University, Branford College, and Saybrook College / Serveries & Kitchen

Newman Architects

Princeton University / Princeton Theological Seminary Library
Princeton University / Princeton Theological Seminary Library

Rayford W Law Architecture & Planning

Princeton University / Firestone Library
Princeton University / Firestone Library

Shepley Bulfinch

University of California, Santa Barbara / Student Resource Building
University of California, Santa Barbara / Student Resource Building

Sasaki Associates

Yale University / Kroon Hall
Yale University / Kroon Hall

Hopkins Architects

Yale University / Kroon Hall
Yale University / Kroon Hall

Hopkins Architects

Duke University / Rubenstein Library
Duke University / Rubenstein Library

Shepley Bulfinch

Harvard Business School / Klarman Hall
Harvard Business School / Klarman Hall

William Rawn Associates

Harvard Business School / Klarman Hall
Harvard Business School / Klarman Hall

William Rawn Associates

Harvard Business School / Klarman Hall
Harvard Business School / Klarman Hall

William Rawn Associates

Syracuse University / Newhouse School of Communications
Syracuse University / Newhouse School of Communications


Syracuse University / Newhouse School of Communications
Syracuse University / Newhouse School of Communications


Housatonic Community College
Housatonic Community College

Amenta Emma Architects

Quinnipiac University / Brand Strategy Group
Quinnipiac University / Brand Strategy Group

Amenta Emma Architects

Rutgers University / School of Engineering
Rutgers University / School of Engineering

The S/L/A/M Collaborative

University of Connecticut / Putnam Refectory
University of Connecticut / Putnam Refectory

Amenta Emma Architects

Hampshire College / R.W. Kern Center
Hampshire College / R.W. Kern Center

Bruner Cott & Associates

Hampshire College / R.W. Kern Center
Hampshire College / R.W. Kern Center

Bruner Cott & Associates

Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech

EYP Inc.

Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech

EYP Inc.

Rhodes College / Robertson Hall
Rhodes College / Robertson Hall


Rhodes College / Robertson Hall
Rhodes College / Robertson Hall


Rhodes College / Robertson Hall
Rhodes College / Robertson Hall


Harvard Business School / Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Center
Harvard Business School / Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Center

Goody Clancy

Harvard Business School / Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Center
Harvard Business School / Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Center

Goody Clancy

Virginia Commonwealth University / James Branch Cabell Library
Virginia Commonwealth University / James Branch Cabell Library

Shepley Bulfinch

Virginia Commonwealth University / James Branch Cabell Library
Virginia Commonwealth University / James Branch Cabell Library

Shepley Bulfinch

University of Massachusetts Lowell / Coburn Hall
University of Massachusetts Lowell / Coburn Hall

CBT Architects

Amherst College / New Science Center
Amherst College / New Science Center
Amherst College / New Science Center
Amherst College / New Science Center
Amherst College / New Science Center
Amherst College / New Science Center
Amherst College / New Science Center
Emory University / Campus Life Center
Emory University / Campus Life Center
Emory University / Campus Life Center
Emory University / Campus Life Center
Emory University / Campus Life Center
Emory University / Campus Life Center
Emory University / Campus Life Center
Emory University / Campus Life Center
Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building
Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building
Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building
Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building
Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building
Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building
Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building
Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building
University of Notre Dame
University at Albany / State University of New York
Rutgers University / School of Engineering
Rutgers University / School of Engineering
George Washington University / Milken Institute School of Public Health
George Washington University / Milken Institute School of Public Health
George Washington University / Milken Institute School of Public Health
Lynn University / Snyder Sanctuary
Lynn University / Snyder Sanctuary
Lynn University / Snyder Sanctuary
Lynn University / Snyder Sanctuary
University of Connecticut / Gant Science Complex
University of Connecticut / Gant Science Complex
North Carolina State University / Talley Student Union
University of Massachusetts Boston / Integrated Sciences Complex
University of Massachusetts Boston / Integrated Sciences Complex
Harvard Business School / Tata Hall
Harvard Business School / Tata Hall
University of Massachusetts Amherst / Commonwealth Honors College
Georgia Tech / North Avenue Apartments Dining Commons
Morgan State Univerity / Soper Library
Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Atlas Service Center
Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Atlas Service Center
Fairfield University / Jesuit Community Center
Fairfield University / Jesuit Community Center
Sacred Heart University / Chapel of the Sacred Heart
Lesley University / Lunder Arts Center
Lesley University / Lunder Arts Center
Lesley University / Lunder Arts Center
University of Colorado Boulder / Visual Arts Complex
University of Colorado Boulder / Visual Arts Complex
University of Colorado Boulder / Visual Arts Complex
Eastern Connecticut State University / Fine Arts Instructional Center
Eastern Connecticut State University / Fine Arts Instructional Center
Eastern Connecticut State University / Fine Arts Instructional Center
University of Wisconsin / Madison School of Human Ecology
Boston College / McMullen Museum
Yale University, Branford College, and Saybrook College / Serveries & Kitchen
Yale University, Branford College, and Saybrook College / Serveries & Kitchen
Yale University, Branford College, and Saybrook College / Serveries & Kitchen
Princeton University / Princeton Theological Seminary Library
Princeton University / Firestone Library
University of California, Santa Barbara / Student Resource Building
Yale University / Kroon Hall
Yale University / Kroon Hall
Duke University / Rubenstein Library
Harvard Business School / Klarman Hall
Harvard Business School / Klarman Hall
Harvard Business School / Klarman Hall
Syracuse University / Newhouse School of Communications
Syracuse University / Newhouse School of Communications
Housatonic Community College
Quinnipiac University / Brand Strategy Group
Rutgers University / School of Engineering
University of Connecticut / Putnam Refectory
Hampshire College / R.W. Kern Center
Hampshire College / R.W. Kern Center
Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech
Rhodes College / Robertson Hall
Rhodes College / Robertson Hall
Rhodes College / Robertson Hall
Harvard Business School / Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Center
Harvard Business School / Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Center
Virginia Commonwealth University / James Branch Cabell Library
Virginia Commonwealth University / James Branch Cabell Library
University of Massachusetts Lowell / Coburn Hall
Amherst College / New Science Center


Amherst College / New Science Center


Amherst College / New Science Center


Amherst College / New Science Center


Amherst College / New Science Center


Amherst College / New Science Center


Amherst College / New Science Center


Emory University / Campus Life Center

Duda Paine Architects

Emory University / Campus Life Center

Duda Paine Architects

Emory University / Campus Life Center

Duda Paine Architects

Emory University / Campus Life Center

Duda Paine Architects

Emory University / Campus Life Center

Duda Paine Architects

Emory University / Campus Life Center

Duda Paine Architects

Emory University / Campus Life Center

Duda Paine Architects

Emory University / Campus Life Center

Duda Paine Architects

Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building


Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building


Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building


Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building


Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building


Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building


Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building


Lafayette College / Rockwell Integrated Sciences Building


University of Notre Dame

The S/L/A/M Collaborative

University at Albany / State University of New York

William Rawn Associates

Rutgers University / School of Engineering

The S/L/A/M Collaborative

Rutgers University / School of Engineering

The S/L/A/M Collaborative

George Washington University / Milken Institute School of Public Health

Payette / Ayers Saint Gross

George Washington University / Milken Institute School of Public Health

Payette / Ayers Saint Gross

George Washington University / Milken Institute School of Public Health

Payette / Ayers Saint Gross

Lynn University / Snyder Sanctuary

Newman Achitects

Lynn University / Snyder Sanctuary

Newman Architects

Lynn University / Snyder Sanctuary

Newman Architects

Lynn University / Snyder Sanctuary

Newman Architets

University of Connecticut / Gant Science Complex

Goody Clancy

University of Connecticut / Gant Science Complex

Goody Clancy

North Carolina State University / Talley Student Union

Duda Paine Architects

University of Massachusetts Boston / Integrated Sciences Complex

Goody Clancy

University of Massachusetts Boston / Integrated Sciences Complex

Goody Clancy

Harvard Business School / Tata Hall

William Rawn Associates

Harvard Business School / Tata Hall

William Rawn Associates

University of Massachusetts Amherst / Commonwealth Honors College

William Rawn Associates

Georgia Tech / North Avenue Apartments Dining Commons


Morgan State Univerity / Soper Library

Sasaki Associates

Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Atlas Service Center


Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Atlas Service Center


Fairfield University / Jesuit Community Center

Gray Organschi Architecture

Fairfield University / Jesuit Community Center

Gray Organschi Architecture

Sacred Heart University / Chapel of the Sacred Heart

Sasaki Associates

Lesley University / Lunder Arts Center

Bruner Cott & Associates

Lesley University / Lunder Arts Center

Bruner Cott & Associates

Lesley University / Lunder Arts Center

Bruner Cott & Associates

University of Colorado Boulder / Visual Arts Complex

KMW Architecture

University of Colorado Boulder / Visual Arts Complex

KMW Architects

University of Colorado Boulder / Visual Arts Complex

KMW Architecture

Eastern Connecticut State University / Fine Arts Instructional Center

William Rawn Associates / The S/L/A/M Collaborative

Eastern Connecticut State University / Fine Arts Instructional Center

William Rawn Associates / The S/L/A/M Collaborative

Eastern Connecticut State University / Fine Arts Instructional Center

William Rawn Associates / The S/L/A/M Collaborative

University of Wisconsin / Madison School of Human Ecology

Sasaki Associates / Dorschner Associates

Boston College / McMullen Museum

DiMella Shaffer

Yale University, Branford College, and Saybrook College / Serveries & Kitchen

Newman Architects

Yale University, Branford College, and Saybrook College / Serveries & Kitchen

Newman Architects

Yale University, Branford College, and Saybrook College / Serveries & Kitchen

Newman Architects

Princeton University / Princeton Theological Seminary Library

Rayford W Law Architecture & Planning

Princeton University / Firestone Library

Shepley Bulfinch

University of California, Santa Barbara / Student Resource Building

Sasaki Associates

Yale University / Kroon Hall

Hopkins Architects

Yale University / Kroon Hall

Hopkins Architects

Duke University / Rubenstein Library

Shepley Bulfinch

Harvard Business School / Klarman Hall

William Rawn Associates

Harvard Business School / Klarman Hall

William Rawn Associates

Harvard Business School / Klarman Hall

William Rawn Associates

Syracuse University / Newhouse School of Communications


Syracuse University / Newhouse School of Communications


Housatonic Community College

Amenta Emma Architects

Quinnipiac University / Brand Strategy Group

Amenta Emma Architects

Rutgers University / School of Engineering

The S/L/A/M Collaborative

University of Connecticut / Putnam Refectory

Amenta Emma Architects

Hampshire College / R.W. Kern Center

Bruner Cott & Associates

Hampshire College / R.W. Kern Center

Bruner Cott & Associates

Virginia Tech

EYP Inc.

Virginia Tech

EYP Inc.

Rhodes College / Robertson Hall


Rhodes College / Robertson Hall


Rhodes College / Robertson Hall


Harvard Business School / Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Center

Goody Clancy

Harvard Business School / Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Center

Goody Clancy

Virginia Commonwealth University / James Branch Cabell Library

Shepley Bulfinch

Virginia Commonwealth University / James Branch Cabell Library

Shepley Bulfinch

University of Massachusetts Lowell / Coburn Hall

CBT Architects

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